

【2016-09-27 21:54:09】

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯9月26日消息,加拿大艾伯塔省正利用一个油气皇室基金投资当地的三家上市能源公司。艾伯塔省经济发展和贸易部长Deron Bilous表示,该省的传统储蓄信托基金(HSTF)将提供5.4亿加元支持就业和经济的多元化,首批投资的资金为9840万加元,占到额度的约五分之一。艾伯塔省政府表示,首批投资中将向TransAlta旗下可再生部门提供4590万加元,向Calfrac Well Services公司提供4640万加元,剩余610万加元提供给Pine Cliff能源公司。



Alberta Provincial Fund Targets 3 Energy Companies

Alberta is tapping an oil and gas royalty fund to invest in three publicly-listed energy companies based there. The initial 98.4M Canadian dollar ($74.4M) investment accounts for about one-fifth of C$540M earmarked to support "jobs and economic diversification" using the province's Heritage Savings Trust Fund, Deron Bilous, Alberta's minister of economic development and trade, says. The infusion provides C$45.9M to the renewables arm of TransAlta (TA.T), C$46.4M to Calfrac Well Services (CFW.T), and $6.1M to Pine Cliff Energy (PNE.T), the government says.

上一篇:博时基金:黄金避险及对冲需求有望升温 下一篇:缪力:国字头基金会应扶持民间公益成长